Thursday, 14 July 2016


Emergency Integrated Lifesaving Lanyard

This 4 feet long remote controlled boat can cruise through rip-currents and swift water at speeds up to 22 mph to reach distressed swimmers faster than human lifeguards. 

It was Designed to race through heavy surf, EMILY has proper balance for quick self-righting performance. The deep, 22 degree hull is designed to track straight during wave breaching. Highly durable, EMILY will survive impact at full speed or in surf with rocks, reef, or pilings. Used EMILY to provide flotation until a rescuer arrives, deliver life jackets, or pull a recovery rescue line up to 800 yards through strong currents and large surf.

EMILY has high visibility 5 foot flag foroperator control in surf. Jump pump with inlet grate and there is no propeller or rubber to harm victim or catch on rocks or sand. Flotation cover is heighest quality construction with heavy duty marine grade canvas with light weight structural closed cell from floation.

It is a useful device for rescue personnel on pier or dock locations, safety on cruise ships, and rescue teams in flooding situations. Emily can be dropped from helicopters as well to rescue those stranded out at sea. Since it is remote controlled, it also helps to minimize the risks taken by rescue teams. Emily is made of a Kevlar reinforced hull, has a jet pump with inlet grate, no propeller or rudder to harm the victim or catch on rocks or sand, and is 50" long with one kilowatt of power.

Forget slow-motion visions of hunky lifeguards racing to the shore. This summer, the beach's most effective rescue tool could be a robot. The remote controlled-robot wil soon be racing to a shore near you. Los Angeles Country lifeguards have been deploying the machine in practice rescue missions at Zuma Beach this summer, reports KTLA, and the results so far have been impressive. The little red robot can cut through waves at up to 40 miles per hour for up to 35 minutes, and it can patrol at five miles per hour for over 500 minutes before needing a recharge, according to the manufacturer's site. It only weighs 25 pounds, and can be a floatation device for up to six people.


Length: 50"
Beam: 15"
Displacement: 25 pounds
Power: 1kilo watt
Top Speed : 22mph

Help ensure the safety of your rescue personnel and visitors of your beach, river, or lake areas. EMILY also has mission applications for supporting swift water rescue teams in flash flood incidents. In the maritime environment, EMILY is a valuable device for safety on cruise ships, commercial shipping, oil rig operations, and in pier or dock locations.

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